
Sunday 18 March 2012

A brief description and an example

Well I will try to explain 'Common sense in a world of madness'. There will probably be hundreds of blogs in the same vein, but being lazy, I haven't bothered looking for any.
Basically, now I am a grumpy 40 something, I find more and more things that are explained in complicated terms, primarily it seems, to confuse and confound. However 'explain' is supposed to clarify! I have therefore adopted an old and otherwise forgotten technique much loved of our forefathers, Common Sense.
You will be amazed at the complicated, sensitive and involved problems, sometimes on a global scale, that can be solved with common sense.....Lets try one....

A big one....the NHS.....
The politicians punt this one about, they are scared to say anything in case someones Aunt Mabel had the best nurse in the world etc etc..and how can anyone argue with "who would you like to withdraw medical help from? Your mother or your children" blah if we forget the argument and apply the Common Sense test....
The NHS is the fourth largest employer in the world...give you a second to let that sink in.....
 .......We are the 22nd most populated country in the world.
Now thats not the fourth largest health service employer in the world, its the fourth largest employer of any type in the world.
And the result from the Common Sense machine?
That is ridiculous and needs changing now! Forget the arguments about how, why, when etc. It cant be right! 1.6 million people in the UK are employed by the NHS...its just not right, or sustainable.
I'll fix it if you want, but you wont like it!

I'll come up with a few more as we go along, but I think you can get the gist...

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